Today marks the first day of school. First grade.
With the "big kids" as Miss C call them.
Apparently, Kindergarteners are the babies.
Well they are ALL babies to me!
Stop growing, Miss C!!!
Between getting myself ready for work, getting Miss C ready for school and Baby E's things for daycare, and packing lunches, I was a disorganized mess this morning! I'm trying to figure out how to juggle everything. This 2-children morning thing is so new to me.
But Miss C did not miss the bus today and I was at work by 8:30am.
So I consider this morning a WIN!
Miss C's Lunch:
mini PBJs faces (at her request)
blueberries and raspberries, peach yogurt
and a small piece of chocolate
packed in an EasyLunchBox
Definitely a win! Thanks for the inspiration! Miss C is such a cutie pie in her little jacket. I linked to your blog on mine today: http://www.jessicaflores.com/my_weblog/2013/08/grasshopper-bento-tips.html